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Neosalus Information:
What is Neosalus?
Neosalus is a medication that is applied directly to the skin to reduce painful inflammation and dryness. The special formulation of Neosalus contains hydrating properties that lock in moisture, and sooth dry irritated skin when used as prescribed. The main active agent in Neosalus is an emollient that soothes and protects skin from damage and irritation.
How do I use Neosalus?
Cleanse the skin with mild soap-free cleansers before applying Neosalus to the skin. Apply Neosalus directly to the affected areas by gently rubbing until it is fully absorbed. Do not apply this medication to the face or near mucus membranes.
Before using Neosalus, tell your doctor if:
- You are pregnant or become pregnant
- You are breastfeeding or plant to breastfeed
- You have skin allergies
- You have other skin conditions
What are the possible side effects of using Neosalus?
Common side effects experienced by patients on Neosalus include: skin stinging, burning, dryness, and scaling. These side effects are more likely to occur during the first week on Neosalus and lessen after continued use. Report all side effects that concern you to your dermatologist right away.
What if I forget to apply a dose of Neosalus?
If you forget to apply Neosalus, skip the missed dose and apply it during your next schedule dose. Do not apply more Neosalus to make up for a missed dose.
What if I forget to apply a dose of Neosalus?
If you forget to apply Neosalus, skip the missed dose and apply it during your next schedule dose. Do not apply more Neosalus to make up for a missed dose.
What happens if I overdose on Neosalus?
Call your doctor if you apply too much Neosalus to your skin. If you ingest Neosalus, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 to receive assistance.
Do not apply Neosalus near the mouth, lips, eyes, or other mucus membranes. If you experience increased sensitivity while using Neosalus, discontinue use and consult with a dermatologist. You must use sunscreen protection while using Neosalus to avoid serious skin damage.
Brand Names
Neosalus is a brand name medication, and there are currently no generic equivalents. If your dermatologist prescribes Neosalus, but you are not able afford the prescription cost, use the HelpRx drug coupon. The pharmacy discount from HelpRx helps patients save up to 75% off Neosalus. To access the drug savings coupon now, click ‘Claim Discount’ on the Neosalus drug page. When you are at the pharmacy, simply present the coupon along with your valid Neosalus prescription to receive the discount.

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