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Proctofoam-Hc Information:
What is Proctofoam HC?
Proctofoam HC contains two active ingredients: pramoxine and hydrocortisone. Pramoxine is an anesthetic that temporarily numbs the application site, and hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid that reduces swelling. When combined in Proctofoam HC, these two drugs relieve the pain and itching of hemorrhoids.
How do I take Proctofoam HC?
Your dosage of Proctofoam HC will depend on your condition, so follow your doctor’s instructions closely. Wash your hands before and after every application, and shake the foam can before each use. If the irritated area is inside the anus, place the tip of the can’s applicator about half an inch (and no more than one inch) inside the anus and press the plunger down to apply the foam. Carefully remove the applicator, disassemble it, and wash it after each use. If you need to use Proctofoam HC on an irritated area outside of the anus, apply a small amount by using a tissue to pat the foam onto the affected area. Do not bandage or tightly cover the area unless your doctor has given you permission to do so.
Before taking Proctofoam HC, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication or have any other allergies
- You are taking any other prescription or non-prescription drugs or supplements, especially any drugs that compromise your immune system
- You have diabetes
- You have any eye problems
- You have any stomach or intestinal problems
- You have a history of rectal sores or infections
- You have liver disease
What are the possible side effects of taking Proctofoam HC?
The Proctofoam HC drug usually doesn’t cause any serious side effects, but some people do experience mild skin irritation or thinning at the application site. Let your doctor know if you have any persistent or worrisome side effects. Call your doctor immediately if you have any of the following rare but serious side effects: signs of high blood sugar, unusual mood changes, vision changes, insomnia, muscle weakness, fatigue, or unexplained weight gain.
What happens if I forget to take Proctofoam HC?
This medication is generally used as needed instead of on a regular schedule, so forgetting a dose should not be an issue. If your doctor has instructed you to use Proctofoam HC on a regular schedule, apply the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for another dose, skip the missed one and resume your normal schedule.
How do I store Proctofoam HC?
Keep Proctofoam HC at room temperature, out of reach of pets and children. Be careful not to burn or puncture the foam can, as the contents are under pressure. If you no longer need this medication and are unsure how to properly dispose of it, talk to your pharmacist.
What happens if I overdose on Proctofoam HC?
It is unlikely that you will overdose on the Proctofoam HC drug when using it topically, but it can be harmful when swallowed. If you or anyone in your household has swallowed some of the foam, immediately call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.
Avoid applying Proctofoam HC to blistered skin or deep puncture wounds. You should also avoid getting this medicated foam in your nose, mouth, ears, or eyes. If you do get the medication in any of these areas, rinse with water immediately.
Brand Name
Proctofoam HC is a brand name corticosteroid drug, and it does not currently have a cheaper generic equivalent. Remember to use a Proctofoam HC savings card or coupon to reduce what you pay out of pocket.

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