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Striant Information:
What is Striant?
Striant contains the male sex hormone testosterone. This hormone is needed to develop and maintain male sex characteristics, including a deep voice, facial hair, and muscle growth. Striant has been approved for use in men with low testosterone levels.
How do I take Striant?
Because Striant comes in a disintegrating tablet that is absorbed through the gums, you should never swallow the tablet whole. Place the tablet in a comfortable area high up on your gums, and hold it in place for about 30 seconds until it adheres. Switch out the tablet as often as your doctor has instructed you to (usually every 12 hours). Alternate the side of your gums you place the tablet on every time you start a new dose.
Before taking Striant, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to testosterone products or have any other allergies
- You are taking any other prescription or over-the-counter drugs or supplements, especially warfarin or other blood thinners
- You have prostate, bone, or male breast cancer
- You have liver or kidney disease
- You have heart disease or a history of heart attack or stroke
- You have high blood pressure or high cholesterol
- You have a history of blood clots
- You have diabetes
- You have sleep apnea
- You have edema
- You have lung disease
- You have an enlarged prostate or urination problems
What are the possible side effects of taking Striant?
Striant may cause mild irritation of your gums, headache, toothache, insomnia, changes in sense of taste, or more frequent erections. These side effects will likely go away as your body adjusts to the medication, but let your doctor know if they persist or get worse. Call your doctor immediately if you experience sudden weight gain, chest pain, changes in urination, coughing up blood, painful ejaculation, testicle or breast pain, bleeding gums, mouth sores, or an irregular heart rate. Get emergency medical attention if you have any signs of a heart attack or blood clot. Contact your doctor if you have any other adverse effects that concern you.
What if I forget to take a dose of Striant?
Take out the old tablet and replace it with a new one as soon as you remember. Do not use two tablets at once.
How do I store Striant?
Store your medication at room temperature, away from bright light or moisture. Do not remove a Striant tablet from its blister packet until you are ready to use it. If a blister packet is damaged, do not use the tablet inside. Store your medication somewhere that children and pets cannot access it. If you no longer need this medication or it has expired, ask your pharmacist how to safely throw it out.
What happens if I overdose on Striant?
Overdosing on Striant can cause severe side effects, including weakness on one side of the body, vision problems, slurred speech, and confusion. Get emergency medical attention if you believe that you or someone in your home has overdosed on this drug.
Due to the testosterone in Striant, women and children should never handle this medicine. Contact your doctor if a female partner experiences male-pattern baldness, excessive hair growth, changes in menstrual cycle, or increased acne after you begin taking this medication.
Brand Names
Striant is a brand name hormone replacement drug. At this time, it doesn’t have a generic equivalent. If you need this brand name medicine but are worried about the price, claim a free Striant coupon from HelpRx now.

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