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TriNessa Lo Information:
What is TriNessa Lo?
TriNessa Lo is a low-dose contraceptive in a family of contraceptives that attempt to prevent reproductive processes from occurring normally. It suppresses ovulation, in which eggs are released, and changes the structure of cervical mucus to become more hostile to sperm. Endometrial changes also prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.
How do I take TriNessa Lo?
Take TriNessa Lo starting either on the first day of your period or on the first Sunday following the start of your period. Take each additional tablet daily at the same time according to the calendar, including the provided reminder pills. Different colored pills are intended to be taken on certain days during the month-long dosage period, so ensure that the color pill you are taking corresponds to the time you should be taking it.
Before taking TriNessa Lo, tell your doctor if:
- You are at risk for arterial or venous thrombotic diseases
- You smoke
- You are over the age of 35
- You have uncontrolled hypertension
- You have diabetes with vascular disease
- You suffer from headaches with focal neurological symptoms
- You get migraines with auras
- You have live tumors
- You have abnormal uterine bleeding
- You think you may be pregnant
- You are breastfeeding
- You have hormone-sensitive breast cancer
What are the possible side effects of taking TriNessa Lo?
Contraceptives such as TriNessa Lo are associated with mild side effects such as stomach cramps, bloating, breast enlargement and tenderness, mild depression, irritability, vaginal itching, loss of interest in sexual intercourse, thick white vaginal discharge, tiredness, trouble concentrating, or trouble sleeping. Tell your doctor if you begin to experience anxiety, vision changes, changes in skin color, dark urine, severe nausea or diarrhea, vomiting blood, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, severe headache, hives, loss of appetite, pain in the face or extremities, loss of coordination, or sweating.
What if I forget to take a dose of TriNessa Lo?
Instructions for dealing with missed dosage are unique to the time and frequency of missed dosage. Refer to the packaging of your medication for specific information on what to do if you miss a dose of TriNessa Lo. If you miss just one tablet, you can take your missed tablet as soon as you remember and continue to take the remaining tablets on a regular schedule. For two or more missed tablets, follow the directions provided to you and use a backup contraceptive such as condoms or spermicide.
How do I store TriNessa Lo?
Store drugs at room temperature, between 20° Celsius and 25° Celsius (68° Fahrenheit and 77° Fahrenheit). Keep this medication away from light, as it may compromise the efficacy of the hormones contained within.
What happens if I overdose on TriNessa Lo?
Overdosage has not shown a significant impact on health. There are currently no reports of serious ill effects from overdosing on oral contraceptives. However, you may experience withdrawal bleeding or nausea.
Use of hormonal contraceptives may cause hormone-sensitive tumors to grow in breast tissue. Some cancers feed off the hormones produced naturally by the body and will also consume those introduced to the body through medication. Warn your doctor if you have or believe you may have a malignant tumor. Use of the drug TriNessa Lo may also increase the risk of a venous thrombotic (VTE) event, which can lead to additional and serious complications.
Brand Names
TriNessa Lo is a brand name of the generic combination of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol. It is sold under many additional brand names, including Estarylla, Mono-Linyah, Mononessa, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Ortho-Cyclen, Previfem, Sprintec, Tri-Estarylla, Tri-Linyah, Tri-Lo-Marzia, Tri-Previfem, Tri-Sprintec, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, Tri-Lo-Sprintec, and Tri-Lo-Estarylla. If you've been prescribed this medication to help prevent pregnancy in a sexually active lifestyle, reduce the price of your TriNessa Lo prescription fills with a coupon from HelpRx now.

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