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Typhim Vi Information:
Typhoid, otherwise known as Typhoid Fever, is incredibly serious. It is caused by Salmonella Typhi, a bacteria which causes high fever, fatigue, weakness, stomach pains, headache, loss of appetite, and sometimes a rash.
If left untreated, Typhoid can kill. Up to 30% of those who get it and do not treat it will die. People may also become carriers, which can then spread the disease. Typhoid spreads through food and water. This disease is very rare in the United States, and most Americans who contract the disease get it while travelling. Each year, Typhoid infects around 21 million people and kills about 200,000 around the world.
There are two ways to take Typhim VI: an inactivated vaccine given as a shot and a live, attenuated vaccine which is taken orally. Both should only be given by a trained medical professional.
Routine typhoid vaccination is not recommended in the United States, but typhoid vaccine is recommended for:
Travelers to parts of the world where typhoid is common. (NOTE: typhoid vaccine is not 100% effective and is not a substitute for being careful about what you eat or drink).
People in close contact with a typhoid carrier.
Laboratory workers who work with Salmonella Typhi bacteria.
Inactivated typhoid vaccine (shot)
One dose provides protection. It should be given at least 2 weeks before travel to allow the vaccine time to work.
A booster dose is needed every 2 years for people who remain at risk.
Live typhoid vaccine (oral)
Four doses: one capsule every other day for a week (day 1, day 3, day 5, and day 7). The last dose should be given at least 1 week before travel to allow the vaccine time to work.
Swallow each dose about an hour before a meal with a cold or lukewarm drink. Do not chew the capsule.
- A booster dose is needed every 5 years for people who remain at risk. Either vaccine may safely be given at the same time as other vaccines.
Before using Typhim Vi , tell your doctor if:
Inactivated typhoid vaccine (shot)
Should not be given to children younger than 2 years of age.
Anyone who has had a severe reaction to a previous dose of this vaccine should not get another dose.
Anyone who has a severe allergy to any component of this vaccine should not get it. Tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies.
Anyone who is moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting the vaccine.
Live typhoid vaccine (oral)
Should not be given to children younger than 6 years of age.
Anyone who has had a severe reaction to a previous dose of this vaccine should not get another dose.
Anyone who has a severe allergy to any component of this vaccine should not get it. Tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies.
Oral typhoid vaccine should not be given until at least 3 days after taking certain antibiotics.
Anyone who is moderately or severely ill at the time the vaccine is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting it. Tell your doctor if you have an illness involving vomiting or diarrhea.
Anyone whose immune system is weakened should not get this vaccine. They should get the typhoid shot instead. This includes anyone who: has HIV/AIDS or another disease that affects the immune system, is being treated with drugs that affect the immune system, such as steroids for 2 weeks or longer, has any kind of cancer, or is taking cancer treatment with radiation or drugs.
Like any medicine, a vaccine could cause a serious problem, such as a severe allergic reaction. The risk of typhoid vaccine causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small. Serious problems from either typhoid vaccine are very rare.
Inactivated typhoid vaccine (shot)
Mild reactions
Fever (up to about 1 person in 100)
Headache (up to about 1 person in 30)
Redness or swelling at the site of the injection (up to about 1 person in 15)
Live typhoid vaccine (oral)
Mild reactions
Fever or headache (up to about 1 person in 20)
- Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, rash (rare)
Doses should be given by a trained professional.
Doses should not be given by anyone who is not a trained professional. This drug should be stored in their offices.
If you think it is a severe allergic reaction or other emergency that can't wait, call 9-1-1 or get the person to the nearest hospital. Otherwise, call your doctor.
If you have a severe reaction, contact your doctor immediately. Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include hives, swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, a fast heartbeat, dizziness, and weakness. These would start a few minutes to a few hours after the vaccination.
Is Typhim Vi a Brand or Generic drug?
Typhim VI generically is a typhoid vaccine. There is only one Typhim VI alternative, which comes from Vivotif.
Because Typhim VI only comes from two manufacturers, Typhim VI coupons can be difficult to find. You can help cut savings by finding a Typhim VI coupon card or a Typhim VI manufacturer coupon. This Typhim VI pharmacy coupon, for example, will cut your costs by up to 75%.
Typhim VI can be taken by mouth or as a shot. Consult with your doctor to make sure this is right for you, and which method would be better for you.

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