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Ultrasal ER Information:
What is UltraSal-ER?
UltraSal-ER is an extended-release topical drug containing 28.5% salicylic acid. When applied to a wart, it helps break down layers of skin so that the wart will eventually peel off. It also combats the virus causing the wart and reduces the risk of skin reinfection at the application site.
How do I use UltraSal-ER?
Follow all the directions on the prescription label, and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions about how to apply this medication. You may need to soak the application site in warm water for five minutes before each application. Use the applicator brush attached to the UltraSal-ER bottle to apply a thin coat of the topical solution to the entire wart. Reapply the solution according to your doctor’s instructions (usually once or twice a day for up to 12 weeks).
Before using UltraSal-ER, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to salicylic acid, NSAIDs, or any other medications
- You are using any other medications, vitamins, or supplements
- You have a skin infection
- You have diabetes
- You have blood circulation problems
- You are breastfeeding, pregnant, or trying to become pregnant
What are the possible side effects of using UltraSal-ER?
You may experience mild skin irritation where you apply UltraSal-ER. Call your doctor as soon as you are able if you experience skin redness that spreads beyond the treatment area, the formation of a deep sore, or signs of a skin infection.
What if I forget to use a dose of UltraSal-ER?
Apply the missed dose as soon as you remember, unless it’s almost time for your next application. In this case, skip the missed dose and apply the next one at the normal time. Do not increase the amount of UltraSal-ER solution you apply; this will not cause your wart to peel away any faster and may increase your risk for skin irritation.
How do I store UltraSal-ER?
Keep the UltraSal-ER bottle tightly sealed when not in use. Store it in a secure place at room temperature, away from moisture and light. If you no longer need this medication, or it has expired, talk to your pharmacist about the best way to dispose of it.
What happens if I overdose on UltraSal-ER?
You are unlikely to experience overdose symptoms when applying UltraSal-ER to your skin, but this medicine may be harmful if swallowed. If you or someone in your home has ingested some of this medication, call Poison Control (1-800-222-1222) to find out what to do.
UltraSal-ER is intended for use on warts only; keep it away from your eyes, nose, mouth, and vagina. Do not apply it to birthmarks, moles, warts with hair growing out of them, or warts on your face. Try to avoid getting UltraSal-ER on the skin surrounding a wart, as you may experience skin irritation.
Brand Names
UltraSal-ER contains a proprietary formulation of salicylic acid. It does not have a branded or generic equivalent. If you need this brand name wart treatment but are concerned about the potentially high cost, remember to get an UltraSal-ER coupon from HelpRx. You may be able to save as much as 75% on your next prescription fill.

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