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Umecta Pd Information:
What is Umecta PD?
Umecta PD topical solution is a medication that is applied to the skin to treat hyperkeratosis (a condition that can cause flaky, itchy, scaly and thick skin accumulation with pus). Hyperkeratosis is caused by an abnormal production of keratin, which leads to a buildup of skin cells around feet or hands. Umecta PD contains the active ingredient urea, which works to break down the accumulation of excess skin cells and pus when applied to the affected areas. Umecta PD helps break down skin by moisturizing and softening the excess buildup of skin cells when used as directed.
How do I take Umecta PD?
Apply Umecta PD to the affected skin twice per day or as directed by your doctor. It is important to apply Umecta PD to dry skin, and to rub in the solution until it is completely absorbed, avoiding eyes, lips, and mucus membranes. Be gentle when applying Umecta PD to avoid scarring and creating other lesions.
Before taking Umecta PD, tell your doctor if:
- You are pregnant or plan to become pregnant
- You are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed
- You are taking any other medications, including vitamins and supplements
- You have allergies to medications or other substances
What are the possible side effects of taking Umecta PD?
Some of the most common side effects of Umecta PD include: skin stinging, burning, itching, and irritation. Call your doctor right away if you experience hives, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, swelling of the face, or severe redness, as it may be an indication of a severe allergic reaction to Umecta PD.
What if I forget to take a dose of Umecta PD?
It is important to apply Umecta PD daily to achieve the maximum benefits of the therapy. If you miss a dose, simply skip it and remember to apply Umecta PD at the next scheduled time. Do not apply more Umecta PD to make up for a missed dose.
How do I store Umecta PD?
Keep Umecta PD topical solution in a dry and cool storage compartment. Do not puncture or expose the medication to excess heat, cold, or moisture. Remember to close the Umecta PD container cap after each use.
What happens if I overdose on Umecta PD?
Umecta PD should not be ingested as it can cause severe adverse reactions. In case of an overdose, contact local emergency services at 911 or Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 to receive assistance.
Umecta PD should only be applied externally. Avoid contact with the eyes, lips or mucus membranes when applying the solution.
Brand Names
Umecta PD is a brand name medication and there are no generic versions available. Remember to use the Umecta PD coupon on our site for a discount of up to 75% when filling your prescription at the pharmacy. Access this offer by clicking ‘Claim Discount’ on the Umecta PD drug page.

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