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Urocit-K Information:
What is Urocit-K?
Urocit-K is a type of potassium salt that is only available by prescription. It is a urinary alkalinizing agent, meaning that it makes urine less acidic and helps the kidneys remove uric acid. This helps prevent kidney stones (hard mineral deposits) and gout (a condition in which a build-up of uric acid causes arthritis).
How do I take Urocit-K?
Swallow Urocit-K tablets whole with a full glass of water, and avoid lying down for at least ten minutes after taking your medication. Take Urocit-K with food or anytime within 30 minutes after eating. Follow your doctor’s dosage instructions carefully, and never take more of this medication than you have been prescribed.
Before taking Urocit-K, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to this medication or have any other allergies
- You are taking any other prescription or non-prescription drugs or supplements, especially aluminum salts, aldosterone blockers, potassium-sparing diuretics, or anticholinergics
- You currently have a bladder infection
- You have severe heart or kidney disease
- You have diabetes
- You have any gastrointestinal problems
- You have high potassium levels or are on a potassium-restricted diet
- You have Addison’s disease or other adrenal gland problems
- You have severe diarrhea or are dehydrated
- You have a history of low calcium levels
- You have a history of tissue damage (e.g. severe burns)
- You are breastfeeding, pregnant, or trying to become pregnant
What are the possible side effects of taking Urocit-K?
Urocit-K drug side effects may include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, especially if it is taken on an empty stomach. These side effects usually aren’t a cause for concern, but tell your doctor if they persist or worsen. Contact your doctor right away in the unlikely event that you experience severe constipation, bloody stools, persistent and dark-colored vomit, an irregular heart rate, abdominal swelling, muscle cramps, unusual mood changes, difficulty swallowing, numbness in your hands or feet, or severe dizziness.
What if I forget to take a dose of Urocit-K?
If you forget to take Urocit-K at your usual time, take it as soon as you remember, unless it is almost time for the next dose. In this case, skip the missed dose and resume your normal dosage schedule rather than doubling one dose to catch up.
How do I store Urocit-K?
Store Urocit-K in a dry space at room temperature (between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit). Do not store it in the bathroom, where it may be exposed to bright light and moisture. Keep Urocit-K and all other prescription drugs out of reach of any children or pets in your home.
What happens if I overdose on Urocit-K?
Overdosing on Urocit-K can be very dangerous and may cause weakness, an inability to move, fainting, a slow or irregular heartbeat, or even a heart attack. If you or someone in your household has overdosed, get emergency medical help right away.
Do not use salt substitutes containing potassium while taking Urocit-K. Talk to your doctor about any dietary changes you should make while using this medication; your doctor may instruct you to drink plenty of fluids and eat a low-sodium diet.
Brand Name
Urocit-K is a brand name drug. The FDA has also approved a generic form of potassium citrate, which is usually somewhat less expensive. HelpRx offers coupons for both Urocit-K and generic potassium citrate, so you can save money no matter what form of the drug your doctor prescribes.

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