Tretinoin and isotretinoin are two types of drugs used to combat acne and other skin disorders. Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. Up to 50 million Americans are affected each year. While it usually begins in puberty, acne can affect people of any age. Many methods can be used to combat this chronic skin condition, but only a dermatologist can determine which are the safest and most effective ways for the individual.
Similarities between tretinoin and isotretinoin
Both tretinoin and isotretinoin are retinoids, which are medications derived from vitamin A. They are both used to combat acne and can only be obtained by a prescription from a dermatologist.
Differences between tretinoin and isotretinoin
Tretinoin is a medication that is used topically, which means it is directly applied to the skin. It usually comes in a cream form that is applied once or twice a day. Tretinoin is effective on mild pimples and blackheads because it helps unclog pores and clear acne by speeding up cell turnover rates.
Isotretinoin, on the other hand, is taken orally in a pill form. These medications are mostly used on severe forms of acne or types of acne that aren’t responding to other treatments. Isotretinoin attacks all four causes of acne: clogged pores, the presence of bacteria, inflammation, and excess oil production. Patients with acne tend to report better results when on these medications. They are used for shorter periods of time but have stronger side effects.
Side effects
Isotretinoin typically has more severe side effects than tretinoin does. The most popular drug containing isotretinoin is Accutane, which was banned in 2009. One of the main side effects is extremely dry skin, which is mostly due to how the drug affects the skin’s oil glands. However, more serious side effects have occurred, leading many to call for a ban on isotretinoins altogether. Irritable bowel syndrome, liver damage, eyesight problems, and joint and muscle pain are just a few of the reported risks. Depression and suicidal thoughts have also been linked to the drug. Isotretinoin has landed itself on the FDA’s top 10 list of drugs associated with depression and suicide attempts.
Tretinoin comes with slower results in treating acne but much less risk. Typical side effects are dry skin, peeling, and redness. These medications can be used over much longer periods of time because they are not as strong as those containing isotretinoin. Neither is safe to use while pregnant.
Other conditions
These medications are not only used to treat acne. Tretinoin, for example, is often used in medications to combat melasma. Melasma is a very common form of skin discoloration that women between the ages of 20-50 may experience, usually in the face area. It appears as patches of tan, brown, or gray-blue skin. It is primarily caused by sun exposure and hormonal changes. It often occurs in pregnant women and women with Asian, Hispanic, and Middle Eastern backgrounds. Only a dermatologist can properly diagnose melasma.
Tretinoin has shown to be effective in combating this skin condition. A popular medication containing tretinoin that is used on melasma is Tri-Luma. Tri-Luma comes in a cream form and is typically used for shorter periods of time. It may not cure melasma completely, but it has been shown to alleviate the symptoms and causes. The medication can speed up the production of skin cells to ease inflammation and lighten the darkened spots. Some patients have even reported having their dark spots clear up completely.
Tretinoin and isotretinoin, although they seem similar, are two very different and powerful medications. They are both retinoids, which means they come from Vitamin A. They can be used to treat acne and other possible skin conditions like melasma.
Tretinoin is a mild drug that can be used over longer periods of time. It is used topically on moderate cases of acne or other skin conditions. Its side effects can include dryness, redness, and peeling of the skin. Popular medications containing tretinoin are Tri-Luma, Retin-A, Renova, and Avita.
Isotretinoin is more effective in treating severe cases of acne over shorter periods of time. However, it may cause more side effects. Besides skin dryness and peeling, other side effects may be gastrointestinal, psychological, and more. There is some controversy surrounding isotretinoin and whether medications containing it should be banned by the FDA. Some popular medications that contain isotretinoin are Accutane (banned), Absorica, and Amnesteem.
Only a dermatologist can decide which treatment is the best and safest for you. Pregnant women should never take isotretinoin or tretinoin. Always speak to your doctor before beginning a new type of skin care regimen.