Valeant Pharmaceuticals recently relaunched generic ofloxacin otic solution following a problem with an ingredient supplier. Ofloxacin otic solution is an antibiotic ear infection treatment medication for infections caused by bacteria or a perforated eardrum. While ear infections are more prevalent in children, adults can also develop this condition. In children, the most common signs that may indicate an ear infection include pulling on ears, crying, fluid buildup or oozing out of the ear, trouble sleeping, fever, headache, and irritability.
There are many brand name treatment options available for ear infections; however, Valeant Pharmaceuticals released a statement indicating that increasing access to generic antibiotic ear drops like the ofloxacin otic solution will help patients access the treatments they need at a more affordable rate.
About Generic Ofloxacin Otic Solution & Safety
Ofloxacin otic solution is a quinolone antibiotic that works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the ear. The medication is intended for middle ear bacterial infections and it may provide treatment for chronic ear infections caused by perforated eardrums. Some of the most common side effects caused by ofloxacin otic solution include ear itching, pain, change in taste, and dizziness. While the Valeant generic version of ofloxacin otic solution has not changed formulations, possible ingredient safety concerns likely caused the discontinuation of the original medication in April 2015.
The FDA regulates suppliers and manufacturers of active ingredients found in prescription medications. If the FDA finds quality issues within the manufacturing plant, it can prevent the company from selling medications to patients until the issues are resolved. While there was no statement released on why Valeant discontinued the solution, several other pharmaceutical companies like Apotex and Sandoz discounted the ear infection treatment around early to mid-2015, signaling a possible supply chain safety concern.
Fortunately, Valeant relaunched the ofloxacin otic in August 2016 after resolving issues with their active pharmaceutical ingredient supplier.
Valeant Pharmaceuticals has recently been able to relaunch a generic ofloxacin otic solution.
Generics such as ofloxacin otic solution often contain the same or similar active ingredients as brand-name drugs and are always regulated by the FDA. The price of generics, however, is typically more affordable than the brand name. Additionally, HelpRx offers discounts of up to 29% off the drug list price of ofloxacin otic solution and other prescription medications that treat ear infections.