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Fluad Information:
What is Fluad?
Fluad is an influenza virus vaccine. It contains small amounts of inactive flu virus, which cause the body to develop an immunity to the active virus. This medication will only protect against certain strains of the flu.
How do I use Fluad?
A healthcare provider will inject the Fluad vaccine into a muscle; you will not be responsible for administering this medication at home. One shot should provide protection for about 12 months; however, young children may need a booster shot about a month after receiving their first shot.
Before using Fluad, tell your doctor if:
You have had a previous allergic reaction to a flu vaccine
You are allergic to eggs or latex
You have had Guillain-Barre syndrome after receiving a flu vaccine
You have a bleeding or blood clotting disorder
You have a neurologic disorder
You have had seizures
You have a compromised immune system
- You are breastfeeding, pregnant, or think you may be pregnant
What are the possible side effects of using Fluad?
Mild Fluad side effects may include tenderness, bruising, or swelling at the injection site; joint or muscle pain, headache, fatigue, low fever, or chills. You don’t need to report mild side effects to your doctor unless they last a long time or get worse. However, you should keep track of all side effects you experience and let your doctor know about them before receiving your next flu vaccine. Call your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any rare but serious side effects, including severe weakness in your arms or legs, high fever, lightheadedness, unusual bleeding, seizures, or high fever.
What if I forget to use a dose of Fluad?
You should only need one flu shot per year, so you are unlikely to forget a dose. If you do forget to get your flu shot at the time of year you normally do, call your doctor. You should also call your doctor to find out what to do if your child misses a booster shot.
How do I store Fluad?
Since Fluad is handled and administered by a healthcare professional, you shouldn’t need to store it in your home.
What happens if I overdose on Fluad?
You are not likely to overdose on Fluad since you should receive one carefully measured dose per injection.
You can still get your Fluad shot if you have a mild cold. However, if you feel very sick when you’re scheduled to receive this vaccine, talk to your doctor. If you are pregnant, you shouldn’t receive this vaccine unless your doctor decides it’s in your best interest. You should not give the Fluad vaccine to an infant who is younger than six months.
Brand Names
There are several other FDA-approved brand name vaccines, including FluMist, Flublok, Fluvirin, Afluria, Fluzone, and Fluarix. New flu vaccines are released every year to keep up with changing virus strains. If you want to receive your annual flu shot but find that paying out of pocket is a financial burden, be sure to get a coupon from HelpRx. We offer reusable coupons for Fluad and thousands of other drugs.

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