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Oxytocin is actually a hormone found in the brain, but is produced synthetically and is used to induce labor. Because oxytocin is available and administered only in a hospital setting, the oxytocin price is solely at the discretion of the facility. However, we do provide a coupon that may help reduce the oxytoc ... Read more

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Oxytocin Information:

What is oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a hormone stored in the pituitary gland following its production in the hypothalmus, and is used to induce labor by acting on the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus either to stimulate contractions or to augment uterine activity. A physician may prescribe it for early vaginal delivery for those women with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, Rh problems, uterine inertia, or the management of inevitable or incomplete abortion, and other conditions related to maternal or fetal health. It is also used to induce uterine contractions in the third term of a pregnancy, as well as to help control bleeding or hemorrhaging after delivery. This is currently the only medical use for oxytocin but pills and sprays are being studied for other conditions like autism.

How do I take oxytocin?

Oxytocin is delivered either intravenously or by direct injection into large muscle tissue, and administration of the oxytocin drug is by trained medical professionals only. There is no oxytocin pill or oxytocin spray currently available to the public for medical purposes. Researchers are studying oxytocin nasal spray to treat social issues caused by autism.

Before taking oxytocin, tell your doctor if:

  • You are allergic to oxytocin
  • You are taking any medications, vitamins, or supplements
  • You are experiencing premature labor
  • You have cervical cancer
  • You have eclampsia
  • You have herpes
  • You have had a Caesarean section
  • You have had a premature delivery
  • You have multiple pregnancies
  • You have an abnormal or unusual positioning of the fetus
  • You have a prolapsed uterus or have had uterine surgery in the past
  • You do not understand the purpose of this medication or have not received a clear answer to your questions regarding “What is oxytocin?”

What are the possible side effects of taking oxytocin?

The possible side effects of the oxytocin drug include nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, arrhythmia, chest pain, a severe headache, or confusion. Be sure to inform your doctor or nurse if you experience any of these conditions. In addition, it is possible to develop an infection at the injection site; signs of this include swelling, redness, tenderness or pain, or drainage.

Improper administration of oxytocin may cause problems for the fetus or neonate, including neonatal jaundice, bradycardia, neonatal seizures, low Apgar scores at five minutes, or neonatal retinal hemorrhaging.

What if I forget to take a dose of oxytocin?

Oxytocin is administered only under the direct supervision of an attending physician; it is not possible to miss a dose.

How do I store oxytocin?

Oxytocin is not available to the public; however, it is stored in a hospital environment, in a cool, dry location away from extremes of temperature; it is not frozen. 

What happens if I overdose on oxytocin?

An overdose of oxytocin can result in uterine spasms, contractions, rupture, hyper-tonicity, or tetanic contraction, especially if there are indications of uterine hyperactivity. However, because oxytocin is administered only in a hospital setting, under the strict supervision of healthcare professionals, the chances of an overdose are virtually non-existent.


Oxytocin is recommended only for medical and not for elective inducement of labor; there is a lack of medical data concerning the effects of elective labor. If oxytocin is administered intravenously while receiving fluids orally, there is a possibility of water intoxication. Oxytocin may damage the uterus, or harm the fetus or neonate.

Brand Names

Oxytocin is distributed under the brand name Pitocin. However, just as with the generic oxytocin drug, it is available and administered only in a hospital setting either by injection or intravenously. While the oxytocin price is determined by the administering hospital, our site does have discount programs that may help with reducing oxytocin costs.

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Oxytocin Information:

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