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Testim Information:
What is Testim?
Testim is a topical gel used to administer testosterone, a hormone, to men who have low levels of testosterone, especially due to diseases and disorders that cause hypogonadism. Note: The FDA does not recommend the use of therapeutic testosterone for men with low testosterone that is not caused by disorders that are verifiable by testing.
How do I take Testim?
Print our download a Testim coupon or request a discount card from HelpRx to get a discount when you fill your Testim prescription. Use this medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor, and only apply it to areas of the body as instructed. No one else should come in contact with this medication or the area of your body where it has been applied.
Apply Testim by hand, using 1 tube 1 time daily at the same time of day every day. Do not apply more or less than instructed. It should be applied to clean, dry, unbroken skin, preferably after bathing. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water, then let the Testim dry for 5 minutes. Be sure the body part you applied the gel to is covered with clothing. Do not swim, bathe, or otherwise wash the application area for at least 2 hours.
Before taking Testim, tell your doctor if:
• A female you live with is pregnant or plans to become pregnant.
• You have or have a history of enlarged prostate, especially with urination problems.
• You have or have a history of cancer, especially male breast cancer or prostate cancer.
• You have or have a history of heart, kidney, or liver disease or disorder.
• You have or have a history of diabetes or sleep apnea.
• You have or have a history of blood clot problems.
• You have had an allergic reaction to other testosterone therapies.
What are the possible side effects of taking Testim?
Some side effects of Testim are severe and require immediate medical attention. These include: allergic reaction (hives, swelling in the face, lips, tongue, throat), increased urination or decreased/lost bladder control, painful or difficult erections, painful urination, swelling in the body, rapid weight gain, signs of liver dysfunction (jaundice, loss of appetite, clay-colored stool, dark urine, upper stomach pain), or signs of blood clot (chest pain, rapid breathing or wheezing, swelling or redness in one or both legs, coughing up blood).
Common side effects include: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, irritation at the application site, mood changes, strange dreams, headache, symptoms of increased blood cell counts (dizziness, muscle pain, redness in the face), and symptoms of high blood pressure (pounding in the neck and ears, blurred vision, headache).
What if I forget to take a dose of Testim?
Never use a double dose of this medication, so if it's almost time for your next dose of Testim, simply skip the missed dose. Otherwise, you may apply the Testim gel as soon as you remember.
How do I store Testim?
Store this medication at room temperature and away from excess moisture or heat. Avoid open flame. Keep it out of areas where it may be accessed by accident, and keep track of how much medication you have and use.
What happens if I overdose on Testim?
If you suspect an overdose, call your local poison control center or seek medical assistance.
Do not apply this medication to certain areas of the body, such as the penis or scrotum. Only apply it to parts of the body as instructed. Testim is not intended for males younger than 18 years of age. If you're over the age of 65, you are at higher risk of prostate enlargement or cancer. If anyone else comes into contact with Testim or with the application area, they must wash the contact area with soap and water immediately, especially if they are a woman.
Testosterone is easily absorbed through the skin, so be careful not to expose your family to it. If you see unusual symptoms of masculinity (e.g., male pattern baldness, unusual or excessive hair growth, irregular periods, increased libido, aggression) contact your doctor immediately.
Always keep lab appointments while taking this medication, as your doctor may need frequent blood tests to monitor your reaction. Testim gel may be flammable, so keep it away from open flame. Avoid smoking while applying Testim or while it dries.
Brand Names
Testim is a topical gel used for testosterone therapy. Other brands for this type of testosterone include Androderm, Androgel, and Vogelxo. As a hormone therapy, the cost of Testim can become expensive quickly. Take advantage of our Testim discount coupon and that works like a discount card save up to 75% off your pharmacy's Testim price.

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